Design and Analysis |
2023-24 | In Brief: A spreadsheet for technical error and biological variability: using two devices. |
How to Identify and Specify Fixed and Random Effects for Linear Mixed Models in the Statistical Analysis System. Will Hopkins. Data, variables, effects and analyses explained and exemplified with simulations in 15 programs. | |
Confidence Intervals and Meta-analysis Resolve the Replication Crisis. Will Hopkins. Proper consideration of effect uncertainty shows that replication failures are expected and explained as effect heterogeneity in a random-effect meta-regression. | |
Misuse of Standardization to Meta-analyze Differences in Means. Will Hopkins, Dave Rowlands. The right standard deviations are used to standardize in only ~10% of published meta-analyses. | |
2022 | In
Brief: Replacing Statistical Significance...: the back story. |
Replacing Statistical Significance and Non-Significance with Better Approaches to Sampling Uncertainty. Will Hopkins. Interpret confidence limits, test substantial and non-substantial hypotheses, and/or use Bayesian probabilities for substantial and trivial. Comment. Ross Neville | |
2021 | Misleading Conclusions Based on Statistical Significance and Non-significance at a Recent International Conference. Will Hopkins. Avoid the nil-hypothesis significance test. June 30.Updated with a video. Aug 24. |
Discussion Paper on Sampling Uncertainty for Editorial Boards. Will Hopkins. Recommended: Bayesian assessment and tests of substantial and non-substantial hypotheses. Sept 2. Updated Sept 8-10. Updated Dec 22. | |
2020 |
Brief: Moving Forward with Magnitude-Based Decisions: recent progress. |
Magnitude-Based Decisions as Hypothesis Tests.Will Hopkins. A frequentist formulation of this essentially Bayesian approach to sampling uncertainty. | |
Sample-size Estimation for Various Inferential Methods. Will Hopkins. Methods for MBD, NHST, superiority testing and equivalence testing, with explanations and advice. | |
2019 |
Brief: Exercise Science at This Site with a new associate editor. |
Compatibility Intervals and Magnitude-Based Decisions for Standardized Differences and Changes in Means. Will Hopkins. Accounting for uncertainty in the standardizing SD. | |
A Spreadsheet for Bayesian Posterior Compatibility Intervals and Magnitude-Based Decisions. Will Hopkins. A nifty lucid approach, if you need it. | |
2018 |
Brief: Sample Size for Individual Responses: disappointingly large. |
Design and Analysis for Studies of Individual Responses. Will Hopkins. Optimize controlled trials and crossovers to estimate and account for individual differences in the response to treatments. | |
SAS Programs for Analyzing Individual Responses in Controlled Trials. Will Hopkins. Accounting for differences and changes in errors and responses, plus simulations for validation. | |
Improving Meta-analyses in Sport and Exercise Science. Will Hopkins. Critique of recent flawed meta-analyses. | |
The Vindication of Magnitude-Based Inference. Will Hopkins & Alan Batterham. Rebuttal of a recent critique. | |
2017 |
Brief: P Values vs Magnitude-based Inference.
All new slideshow. |
Spreadsheets for Analysis of Controlled Trials, Crossovers and Time Series. Will Hopkins. Now with two covariates and other enhancements. | |
A Spreadsheet for Monitoring an Individual's Changes and Trend. Will Hopkins. Quantify progression of your athlete, team, client or patient. | |
2016 | In
Brief: Which Stats Package. SAS, SPSS, R, Statistica or spreadsheets? In Brief: SPSS for Mixed Models. Step-by-step instructions. In Brief: SAS (and R) for Mixed Models. Resources and free software. In Brief: P Values Down But Not Yet Out. Critique of a critique. In Brief: Journal Impact Factors 2015. The latest from Elsevier/Scopus. |
2015 | In
Brief: Individual Responses Made Easy. In Brief: Exceptional Case Studies. In Brief: More Mixed Modeling with SPSS. In Brief: "The Intervention is Possibly Beneficial" |
Elsevier Impact Factors Compiled in 2014 for Journals in Exercise and Sports Medicine and Science. Will Hopkins. Thomson-Reuters relegated, and a new activity-adjusted factor. | |
Spreadsheets for Analysis of Validity and Reliability. Will Hopkins. New one- and two-way reliability analyses, and a citable article. | |
2014 | In Brief: Magnitude-based Inference Under Attack |
Journal Impact Factors in Sports Medicine and Science for 2014. Will Hopkins. The rankings, and an improbable publication utopia. |
2013 | In
Brief: Mixed Linear Modeling: a Very Short Introduction. In Brief: Update Sample-Size/Meta-Analysis Tool. In Brief: Update Meta-Analysis Slideshow. In Brief: Statistical Analysis and Data Interpretation: an Introduction. |
Impact Factors and Article Influence Scores for Journals in Sports Medicine and Science in 2013. Will Hopkins. A new winner this year. | |
2012 | The Impact-Factor Olympics for Journals in Sport and Exercise Science and Medicine. Will Hopkins. Sports Medicine still on top with 5.2. |
Bootstrapping inferential statistics with a spreadsheet. Will
Hopkins. Useful for uncertainty in dose-response relationships. Commentary. Allan Batterham. |
2011 | In Brief: The Best Graphing Software. Solving the problems with Office. |
Impact Factors of Journals in Sport and Exercise Science and Medicine for 2011. Will
Hopkins. Sports Medicine reaches 5.1. Commentary. David Pyne. |
2010 | Linear Models and Effect Magnitudes for Research, Clinical and Practical Applications. Will Hopkins. Theory and advice on data analysis and interpretation. Commentary. Alan Batterham. |
A Socratic Dialogue on Comparison of Measures. Will Hopkins. Regression vs limits of agreement in Ancient Greece. | |
Subjects to Groups in a Controlled Trial. Will Hopkins. Spreadsheets to minimize differences between group means. Commentary. Alan Batterham. |
2009 | In Brief: Progressive Statistics Updated. Magnitude-based inferences and injury thresholds. |
Progressive Statistics. Will Hopkins, Alan Batterham, Stephen Marshall, and Juri Hanin. Current best practice in data analysis and presentation. | |
Fourier Series Approximations and Low Pass Filtering. Steve Elmer and Jim Martin. Theory and spreadsheet for biomechanists. | |
2008 | In Brief: Slideshow on Statistical Guidelines. A presentation at ACSM 2008. |
In Brief: Update: Sample Size. Risk of an unclear outcome; new slides. | |
In Brief: Sample-Size Commentary. Misconception explained. | |
In Brief: Updates: Controlled-trial spreadsheets; graphs in Office 2007; ompare/combine effects. | |
Research Designs: Choosing and Fine-tuning a Design for Your Study. Will Hopkins. An update and slideshow of the most popular resource at this site. | |
2007 | In Brief: Editorial: Blogs and Podcasts. New i-tricks for sport scientists. |
In Brief: Tutorials on R-Stats. Learn this powerful free package. | |
In Brief: Update: Sample Size. 4x more for individual differences. | |
In Brief: A Spreadsheet to Compare Means of Two Groups, including a covariate. | |
The Tour de Journals 2007: Impact Factors in Exercise and Sport. Will Hopkins. An assessment of the latest ratings. | |
What’s Behind the Numbers? Important Decisions in Judging Practical Significance. Greg Atkinson. A view on smallest worthwhile effects. | |
A Spreadsheet for Deriving a Confidence Interval, Mechanistic Inference and Clinical Inference from a P Value. Will Hopkins. An old resource updated with new insights about sample-based research. | |
Understanding Statistics by Using Spreadsheets to Generate and Analyze Samples. Will Hopkins. Implicit learning of all the important biomedical stats concepts. | |
2006 | In Brief: Sad Stats. No suitable statistical package for sport scientists. |
In Brief: Magnitude Matters. A slideshow from the 2006 ACSM meeting. | |
In Brief: New and Updated Research Slideshows. Student supervision, dimensions of research, making inferences, controlled trials. | |
Spreadsheets for Analysis of Controlled Trials, with Adjustment for a Subject Characteristic. Will Hopkins. A covariate and other enhancements now included in this useful resource. Commentary. Alan Batterham. Commentary. Amanda Cox. | |
A Spreadsheet for Combining Outcomes from Several Groups. Will Hopkins. Sex and other group effects made easy. Commentary. Glen Fincher. | |
Estimating Sample Size for Magnitude-Based Inferences. Will Hopkins. Clinical or practical outcomes with fewer subjects. | |
2005 | In Brief: A Spreadsheet for Fully Controlled Crossovers. Resource for analysis. |
In Brief: Sport Scientists' Top 10 Sites. Feedback from the Sportscience list. | |
Making Meaningful Inferences About Magnitudes. Alan Batterham and Will Hopkins. Replace statistical significance of an effect with chances it is important. Commentary. Steve Marshall. | |
A Decision Tree for Controlled Trials. Alan Batterham and Will Hopkins. Reliability, washout time, and availability of subjects and resources are the deciding factors. Commentary. Greg Atkinson. | |
2004 | In Brief: Clinical Significance and Decisiveness. Will Hopkins. Make better inferences. |
An Introduction to Meta-analysis. Will Hopkins. Article/slideshow on quantitative systematic reviews of original research. | |
Bias in Bland-Altman but not Regression Validity Analyses. Will Hopkins. Bland-Altman plots are misleading for method comparisons. | |
2003 | A Spreadsheet for Analysis of Straightforward Controlled Trials. Will Hopkins. Transformations, individual responses, effect sizes, clinical chances and more for data from a controlled trial, crossover, or time series. |
Dynamical Systems Theory: a relevant framework for performance-oriented sports biomechanics research. Paul Glazier, Keith Davids, Roger Bartlett. New approaches to analysis of sports movements. | |
2002 | Dimensions of Research. Will Hopkins. An analysis of research projects in terms of topic, scope, mode, methods, ideology, and politics. |
In Brief: Data-Analysis Tutorial. Will Hopkins. | |
In Brief: Qualitative vs Quantitative Designs (Letter). Douglas Booth. | |
Probabilities of Clinical or Practical Significance. Will Hopkins. How to use and interpret probabilities more meaningful than the traditional P value. | |
2001 |
In Brief: Clinical vs Statistical Significance by Will Hopkins |
In Brief: Qualitative vs Quantitative Research Designs by Will Hopkins | |
A Research Agreement for Students in Exercise and Sport Science, by Will Hopkins. A template for planning and monitoring projects. | |
Comprehension in the Informed-Consent Process, by Steve and Amanda Olivier. Subjects have to understand what they agree to. | |
Informed Consent in Sport Science, by Steve and Amanda Olivier. Background info and forms for ethics applications. | |
A New View of Statistics, by Will Hopkins | |
2000 | Quantitative Research Design, by Will G Hopkins. All about double-blind randomized crossovers and other designs. |
1999 | Researching Worthwhile Performance Enhancements by Will Hopkins, John Hawley, and Louise Burke. Summary of a recent publication. |
1998-7 | Quantitative Research Design (earlier version), by Will Hopkins |
2004 | In Brief: Calibrating Metabolic Carts. Save on calgas. |
Effects of High-intensity Training on Performance and Physiology of Endurance Athletes. Carl Paton and Will Hopkins. Gains of ~8% with some forms of resistance training. | |
2000 | A Spreadsheet for Partitional Calorimetry, by Kerry Atkins and Martin Thompson. Calculating temperature change in exercise. |
1999 | Analysis of Expired Air with GasCalc by David J Egan. An Excel spreadsheet for analysis of energy expenditure and substrate utilization. |
1998-7 | Measurement of Training in Competitive Sports by Will Hopkins. Methodology, including downloadable diaries and questionnaires for researchers. |
2023 | In Brief: Journal CiteScores for 2023: citation metrics from Elsevier/Scopus. |
2022 | In Brief: Journal CiteScores for 2021: citation metrics from Elsevier/Scopus. |
2021 | In Brief: Journal CiteScores for 2017-2019: citation metrics from the Scopus database.Updated with the latest 2020 cite scores. |
2006 | In Brief: Preparing Graphics for Publication. Tips and tricks for the Office platform. |
The Journals World Cup 2005: Impact Factors for Sport Science. Will Hopkins. An assessment of the latest ratings. | |
2005 | In Brief: Editorial: Copyright Control. No flexibility in a publisher's policy. |
In Brief: Copyright-Free Images and Information. Resource for handouts/slides. | |
Impact Factors of Journals in Sport and Exercise Science, 2004. Will Hopkins. An assessment of the latest ratings. | |
2004 | In Brief: Updated Endnote Journal Abbreviations. Will Hopkins.Less errors in references. |
Impact Factors of Journals in Sport and Exercise Science, 2000-2003 . Will Hopkins. An assessment of the latest ratings. | |
2003 | In Brief: Finding Out What's Known Will Hopkins. |
In Brief: Writing Pre and Post. Will Hopkins. | |
In Brief: Impact-Factor Update and Put-Down Will Hopkins. | |
2001 | Journal Impact Factors in Sport and Exercise Science, 1999-2000, by Will Hopkins. The latest journal rankings, and an analysis of MSSE's rising impact. |
2000 | Impact Factors of Journals in Sport and Exercise Science, by Will Hopkins. Where to send your journal articles for publication. |
Physiology Symbols in Microsoft Word and Corel Wordperfect, by J Andy Doyle. How to dot the V and create other symbols. | |
1999 | Workshop on Grant Applications and Other Scientific Documents by Will G Hopkins. A handout from a local conference. |
Endnote Abbreviations and Styles: Files for Sport and Exercise Journals by Will G Hopkins. Use these files to make a formatted list of references for publication. | |
Guidelines on Style for Scientific Writing by Will Hopkins. An up-to-date collection of advice and rules for authors. | |
How to Write a Literature Review by Will Hopkins. A systematic approach to analysis of published research. | |
How to Write a Research Paper by Will Hopkins. More structure eases the writing, editing, and reading of an original-research paper. | |
Excel 97/98 Workbook of Templates for Drawing Figures by Will Hopkins | |
1998-7 | Who Should be the Authors, by Rob Roach |
2006-8 | Preparing graphics for publication. Will Hopkins |
1998-7 | How to Use PowerPoint by Will Hopkins |
How to Give Talks by Will Hopkins | |
Create an Effective Poster by Will Hopkins | |
Create and Publish Web Documents by Will Hopkins |
to grammar and writing at Capital Community College, Connecticut. |