A New View of Statistics | |
Update Oct 2007: The following pages are now largely superseded by an extensive article on sample-size estimation published in Sportscience in 2006 with an accompanying slideshow and spreadsheet. I suggest you read the article first. There are a few formulae on the following pages that are not in the article.
I get more requests for information about sample sizes than about any other aspect of stats. I've come up with approaches and formulae that you won't find anywhere else, and that's not because they're wrong, either!
First, I'll deal with the need for the right number of subjects in
a study: the main considerations are publishability of your findings,
and the ethics of wasting resources. Then I spend a page on a new
look at the traditional approach to what
determines sample size, which leads to the formulae. I then
present a new approach, sample-size estimation
based on confidence intervals, with the good news that you need
half the usual number of subjects. You'll almost certainly get away
with an even smaller sample, if you use
sample size "on the fly". Finally I
encourage you to use simulation to work out
sample size for complex designs or unusual outcome statistics.
With the right number of subjects, you have a narrow confidence interval on your outcome. It's sufficiently narrow that any worthwhile effects are statistically significant, which means you won't have missed anything. And even statistically non-significant results are publishable, because you can say that the effect is trivial. In my view, being able to say that an effect is too small to worry about is just as important as saying that it is large.
Too many subjects gives you a nice narrow confidence interval, but it's more narrow than you need. For example, it would be silly to have so many subjects that you could say a correlation lies between 0.725 and 0.729. That's far too much precision. Most of the time you'd be happy to say that it's 0.7, but not 0.8 or 0.6.
The ethical committees that grant approval for research projects are becoming more aware of the need to have the right number of subjects in a study. They require you to document your estimation of the required sample size, and they will not grant approval for research projects with too few or too many subjects. Small samples are unethical, because you can't be specific enough about the size of the effect in the population. Large samples are also unethical, because they represent a waste of resources.
You can sometimes justify a suboptimal sample size by arguing it's
for a pilot study to determine reliability or validity, which in turn
will allow you to estimate the sample size for a larger-scale study.
A suboptimal sample size is also the starting point for
sample size on the fly. But let's
continue with the traditional approach and some formulae on the
next page.
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